#2017 taipei marathon
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會做這種毫無距離感的決定,大概是因為看了米迷跑很多次, 天真覺得自己應該也行,就荒唐的報了名。 關於練習,起初按照nike+的訓練計畫是兩個月, 但中間遇到不少的爛天氣, 以至於最後的練習次數只有一個月的量,就上場了。 甚至比賽當日還是生理期第4天。
跟著米迷一起混入不屬於我的集合區討一個安全感。 能站的地方有限,我們都沒有做什麼暖身就起跑了。
「到時候你旁邊的人都會跑很快,你也會不自覺跟著跑很快。」 米迷這樣說過。
15、16、17k不斷的走走停停,天氣也越來越濕冷, 在進入倒數第二個關門區(麥帥二橋9:25)時是9:21分! 心想至少安全了⋯開始走的比較長,但提醒自己不要完全慢下來。
last 3!下橋了,是最後的衝刺階段,想像Nike+訓練時的人聲
「I want you keep fast, and feel strong.」「push yourself!」
撐過1公里了,沒想到最後還有個地下隧道!電影場景才會出現的畫面⋯ 裡面的抽風讓我一直以為回收車在後面不遠處, 壓力好大,還一直被也開始走的選手鎖在角落跑不出去。 我在角落裡面跑得慢,旁邊用走的跟我一樣快!(我幹麻浪費體力!)
出了隧道剩last 1!我決定再緩和一下體力,慢慢走走跑跑約500m後, 開始聽到選手跟路旁的工作人員說到:
大概是腎上腺素發作,只記得自己跟羚羊一樣邁開步伐奮力跑向終點! 總計2:59:22。
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8 maand later: GSL Budapest.
Part-2 (Men)
Jorre Verstraeten (°97; /-60kg; 18° WRL): out (0 own) voor een Frans Olympisch ticket /-60kg zal het wel gaan tussen Walide Khyar (°95; Fra; 20° WRL) en Luka Mkheidze (°96; Fra; 26° WRL); Khyar heeft alleszins het meest uitgesproken palmares met 3 EK medailles bij de jeugd en 3° WK’15 u21/-60kg; amper één jaar na zijn Europese titel bij de u21 werd hij ook Europees kampioen Seniors /-60kg (2016); toen had hij ook al brons gepakt op de GSL Paris’16, en momenteel staat zijn teller op 5 WTour medailles; Luka Mkheidze heeft géén Europese- of wereld-medailles, maar laat hem nu net hier zijn 2de WTour medaille behalen, én met zijn brons één plaats over Khyar wippen in de WRL; beiden staan ze nu net achter Jorre (2.326p - 18°): Mkheidze (2.246p - 19°); Khyar (2.183p - 20°) > video Jorre Verstraeten - Walide Khyar : een héél pittige (evenwichtige) kamp (beetje te verwachten), en na 1′30″min kan Jorre scoren door Walide te counteren op een mislukte uchi-mata van de Fransman. De scheids stond er met zijn neus op.. toch wordt hij overruled door de tafel... Het moet zijn dat men oordeelde dat Jorre geen controle had over de fase waarbij Walide op zijn zij belandde ? het duel gaat verder en blijft even intens; na 2′15″min dan een explosieve sumi-gaeshi van Walide en ippon; jammer dat iemand moest sneuvelen zo vroeg in de competitie, maar Khyar zal zich in zijn volgende ronde (1/8-fin) verslikken tegen thuis-judoka en junior David Naji (°00; Hun; no WRL); Naji’s enige internationale ervaring tot nu waren ECups bij de jeugd; hier zal hij 5° worden op de GSL in zijn thuisland. Knap. De finale wordt een Russisch onderonsje: Yago Abuladze (°97; Rus; 13° WRL) wint van Robert Mshvidobadze (°89; Rus; 7° WRL), oud-Europees kampioen 2017; oud vice-wereldkampioen 2018 en behaalde hier met zilver zijn 17e WTour medaille... interessant duel richting Tokyo... > video Yago Abuladze - Robert Mshvidobadze
Kenneth Van Gansbeke (°90; /-66kg; 51° WRL): 7° (2 own) Verdienstelijk van Kenneth, al was het maar omdat hij hier (wederom) Adrian Gomboc (°95; Slo; 15° WRL) verslaat; net als Kenneth (’09) won Adrian ooit brons op het WK Jun/-66kg (’13), maar bleek op termijn dan toch over meer potentieel te beschikken; Gomboc - met een ijzersterke fysiek - werd in 2017 verrassend vice-Europees, en in 2018 zelfs Europees kampioen, en stond ook al 4x op het podium van een WTour tornooi (3x als winnaar); Kenneth’s tornooi is meestal geslaagd als hij op dit niveau de repechages haalt, zo ook hier dus, en daarvoor moest ditmaal dus andermaal Gomboc geklopt worden (in 1/8-fin). > 1/8-fin: video Gomboc - Van Gansbeke Dus dit gezegd zijnde, Gomboc ligt Kenneth blijkbaar wel, want ook tijdens de twee recentste confrontaties won de Belg van de Sloveen (GSL Baku’16 & GSL Abu Dhabi’18); toch is Gomboc de judoka met doorgaans het initiatief, en Kenneth degene die loert op de counter; en zo scoort hij uiteindelijk ook diep in GS (na 3′42″min GS) nadat Gomboc zijn ko-uchi-gari mislukt; > 1/16-fin: video Van Gansbeke - Abdulaziz Albashi (°94; KSA; 74° WRL) om tot daar te komen moest Kenneth dus eerst ‘een formaliteit’ afwerken; Albashi kan allicht wel wat judoën (3° AK’11 u17/-60kg & 3° WCup Taipei’17), maar zullen ze bij de IJF toch vooral graag zien komen, om op die manier het globale imago van de judosport wat extra in de verf te zetten; bovendien, aan geld natuurlijk geen gebrek in Saoedi Arabië: die man wint amper een wedstrijd (nl. als de loting écht meezit), maar nam wel deel aan liefst 12 WTour tornooien in 2019, van Paris, over Brasilia tot in Japan. Enfin, ippon na ashi-waza van Kenneth, en dit tornooi zat er alweer op. Binnenkort wat meer geluk bij de loting en dan zitten de Spelen er misschien nog in :-). > 1/4-fin: video Van Gansbeke - Yakub Shamilov (°91; Rus; 18° WRL); de Rus staat van zijn land dan wel het hoogst in de Ranking, het is denk ik verre van een uitgemaakte zaak wie mogelijks naar de Spelen mag: Shamilov (°91; 18°), Puliaev (°87; 20°), Grigoryan (°92; 26°) of Abdula Abdulzhalilov (°90; 31°); deze laatste zal hier de finale winnen tegen Shamilov (houdgreep).... Nu, ook van Shamilov kon Kenneth reeds eerder winnen; hij klopte hem nl. op het EK’19; en ook nu vocht Kenneth zeker niet slecht; helaas, na 4′min stond er één waza-ari op het bord, en zodoende staat het nu 1-3 in hun onderlinge duels. > repechage: video Van Gansbeke - Erkhembayar Battogtokh (°95; Mgl; 91° WRL); helaas te vroeg voorbij na 1′min, maar niets op aan te merken; een mooie ippon seoi nage van de Mongool, met bovendien Kenneth die een brug maakt bij de landing. Een final-block met 2 Russische finalisten, een Mongool, een Azeri, een Uzbeek, ... en en Braziliaan die erin slaagt om brons te pakken: Willian Lima (°00; Bra; 29° WRL), huidig PanAm- en wereldkampioen u21/-66kg.
Toma Nikiforov (°93; /-100kg; 53° WRL): 5° (3 own) de vice-wereldkampioen van 2017 én Europees kampioen van 2018 is weggezakt in de wereldranking door blessures, maar vastberaden om er te staan op de Spelen. Na een opwarming tegen thuisjudoka Zalan Ohat (°95; Hun; 44° WRL) heeft hij een bye, om vervolgens uitgerust te kunnen vechten (in 1/8-fin) tegen 1st seeded Peter Paltchik (°92; Isr; 4° WRL); Paltchik won dit jaar vóór Covid, de beide grote tornooien waaraan hij deelnam: GP Tel Aviv & GSL Paris. Hier werd het een marathon-gevecht beslecht op shido (00s1/00s3) in het voordeel van Toma na 8′34″min; dit kon alvast tellen als comeback. En het werd nog mooier met een zege in 1/4-fin tegen Alexandre Iddir (°91; Fra; 16° WRL): ippon na 1′31″min; > 1/2-fin: video Toma Nikiforov - Niyaz Ilyasov (°95; Rus; 9° WRL): interessant, close gevecht met 2 judoka’s die er voor gaan, beslecht na 40″sec in GS met een heupworp van de huidige vice-wereldkampioen; Ilyasov zal uiteindelijk ook de finale winnen van zijn landgenoot en huidig Europees kampioen Arman Adamian (°97; Rus; 10° WRL). Alweer een zware Russische knoop die moet worden doorgehakt richting Tokyo. > voor brons: video Toma Nikiforov - Shady Elnahas (°98; Can; 7° WRL) de huidige en jonge PanAm kampioen uit Canada is géén eenvoudige tegenstander (top-8 !) en Toma kan dat beamen; just watch and hear Neil Adams :-).
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2019臺北馬拉松本週日開跑 蔣介文為愛女再戰
本次有近3千名外籍選手來臺參與臺北馬拉松,其中來自肯亞的Josphat Kiprono Leting曾在2011年布拉格馬拉松以2小時7分36秒奪下冠軍,此次也將是各路高手的頭號勁敵;來自烏克蘭的名將Oleksandr Sitkovski則期望自2015年摩洛哥馬拉喀什馬拉松後,在本次臺北馬拉松突破個人最佳成績。中華民國田徑協會理事長葉政彥特別感謝各界的幫忙,讓臺灣可以透過馬拉松,提高在國際的能見度,並預祝週日開跑的賽事能夠圓滿順利。
主辦單位也特別於起/終點處為2萬8千名參賽者打造「萬人選手姓名牆」,並於賽道中設立大型LED動態加油看板,只要選手通過感應地墊,就有機會看到自己的名字及大會加油打氣的訊息出現在大螢幕上。賽會贊助單位All Sports也將免費提供每位跑者於賽道中跑步的英姿照片一張,為跑者留下珍貴的回憶。
邁入第23屆的臺北馬拉松,今年也首次推出賽事專屬APP「2019 TAIPEI MARATHON」,讓民眾不僅能掌握比賽大小事,賽事當天輸入跑者號碼,還能即時追蹤跑者所在位置並預估完賽時間;賽事當日除了電視、網路有全程直播外,捷運月台的電視也有即時轉播,讓民眾不錯過任何精彩瞬間,感受臺北馬拉松的魅力。身為共同主辦單位的中華民國路跑協會理事長范姜瑞說,辦好每場馬拉松是協會的責任,本會一直以賽事國際接軌、創新科技服務選手,經驗分享,讓台灣各城市馬拉松賽更趨國際化與���度化,讓世界看見臺灣。
2019臺北馬拉松吸引許多企業一同成為選手們的最佳夢想推手及投入賽事贊助,包含長年支持臺北馬拉松賽事的富邦金控、運動品牌adidas、馬拉松運動博覽會、CITIZEN、台灣大哥大、富邦產險、白蘭氏雞精、AfterShokz、雲南白藥牙膏、健喬信元、長榮航空、All Sports、FOOTER、博威運動科技、Nature Valley、COWAY格威股份有限公司、撒隆巴斯、聯華食品、舒跑、淨極勁、True Yoga、開元食品、寶貝國際、宏亞食品、肌內效、京站實業股份有限公司等各領域的知名企業,也都紛紛投入臺北馬拉松行列,期待能朝著金標籤認證的目標,勇往直前。
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Tsai-hun Brouwer UT
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Tsai-hun Brouwer UT
Tsai-hun Brouwer UT Top Web Results.
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It is amazing how the cryptocurrency landscape can change overnight. IOTA (MIOTA) has had its ups and lows but it is in the news again giving the investor a ray of hope. Ranked 10th in terms of market capitalization, it is the only coin that has gained in the last 24 hours 12.67% among the leading 30 coins.
Looking at the current trends, IOTA (MIOTA) seems to be the center of adoption. Many investors might not be happy with the trends especially when other major digital coins are in the red. Surprisingly, IOTA adoption has surpassed that of Bitcoin. IOTA might not be 100% scalable and its technology security might be under scrutiny but the overall value proposition will discern any user.
The name of any cryptocurrency does not make it dominant. People and to-be-investors are more knowledgeable with digital coins than two years ago. This is the same with IOT (MIOTA) performance is what drives adoption leading to traction.
IOTA Place in the Market Today
MIOTA is one coin that will pull unexpected surprises; it is currently among the coins in green trading at $1.97 with a change of 14.16% in the last 24 hours. The trading volume stands at $87,461,900 almost double the volume six days ago.
The above scenario might not sink comfortable into the investor mind but the increased adoption should be a plus for them to stay put and invest more. Currently, IOTA is trying to position itself and start 2018 on a positive note. With an already working product, users need to be ready for better days.
IOTA Market Leadership in the Internet of Things
IOTA might not give you the Disney World kind of life but it is set to change your lifestyle significantly. At least it will make you comfortable enough such that your car does not stall because your gas is low. Simply, it will communicate with the neighborhood gas station, you get a full tank, and transaction completed online.
The platform will enable you tap into the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. It is no brainer that machine to machine transactions is the way to go for the future. It seeks to help you get the best of the machines that you have always interacted with on a daily basis. Its growth is leveraged on the blockchain technology power to make machines work for you.
The crypto-panic of end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 is already behind many cryptocurrency users and coins, and particular MIOTA are maintaining green punctuated by occasional red. Every coin is struggling but in any marathon, there are those who come out tops.
IOTA offers on-demand services and is well positioned to tap into the existing gaps and offer a product that makes the user life better. A drop in the market does not necessarily mean panic; it is a volatile unregulated market and you have to adjust with times.
IOTA (MIOTA) has the Global Reach and Appeal
With the increasing uncertainty in the cryptocurrency landscape, the IOTA Foundation strongly believes the coins future is bright. To attest to this, their recent tweet from their official twitter handle shows the growing number of early adopter companies is proof enough of the direction they have chosen to go.
Already Bosch, Volkswagen and ITIC have partnered with the platform. This is a major achievement towards early adoption and winning in the IoT sector. There other projects on the offing and this exceed what Bitcoin has been able to bang in the last few years.
With IOTA, the question is not how well the distributed ledger works but how it will deliver to the consumer. So far, they have a growing number of contracts with institutions and corporates of repute and more are joining this innovative IoT platform.
With the global appeal ad seeking to meet user demands, drawing high adoption rates will only transform the world into distinct smart cities. Taipei is one of the cities that have adopted IOTA technology and more are anticipated.
Why Choose IOTA (MIOTA)?
IOTA (MOITA) touches on all areas technology and it will impact positively on the entire economy of the future. It has a place for production, supply chain management, consumer trends, education and finance. With a crypto based solution, the likes of corruption and social inequality will be things of the past.
IOTA (MIOTA) is not a monopoly in the IoT sector; there are others that you can try. He only difference is that IOTA delivers what it promises. The IOTA Foundation has always been in the forefront in support of a fully distributed system that delivers collaboration in a smart economy environment.
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This Post was originally published by CryptoRecorder.
The post IOTA (MIOTA) Hits the Headlines Again All for a Good Reason appeared first on IOTA News.
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2017 Taipei Marathon My First Half Marathon My race was with rookie mistakes, but I still completed my first half marathon eventually... Expect my next attempt! 👊👊👊
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Justin Thomas birdies 2nd hole of playoff to win PGA Tour’s CJ Cup
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Justin Thomas birdies 2nd hole of playoff to win PGA Tour’s CJ Cup
Justin Thomas beat Australia’s Marc Leishman on the second playoff hole Sunday to win the inaugural CJ Cup in Jeju, South Korea, and cap his breakout year on the PGA Tour.
Thomas’ five tournament wins this calendar year included his first major, the 99th PGA Championship, which he won in August.
“I’m so pumped,” he said.
Thomas sealed his first title of the 2017-18 PGA season when he birdied the second extra hole and Leishman made bogey after finding the water.
The two went to a sudden-death playoff after completing the first U.S. PGA Tour regular-season event in South Korea tied at 9-under-par 279.
Cameron Smith of Australia finished one stroke back in third place at 8-under.
•Eun-Hee Ji fired a 7-under 65 to win the Taiwan Championship in Taipei for her first LPGA title since the 2009 U.S. Women’s Open.
Ji, 31, had a six-stroke lead heading into the final round. She carded seven birdies to finish at 17-under 271, six strokes ahead of Lydia Ko, who also closed with a 65.
•Tournament host Sergio Garcia won the Andalucia Valderrama Masters in Sotogrande, Spain, after shooting 4-under 67 in the final round.
The reigning Masters champion made five birdies to go with one bogey, as he finished at 12-under 272 — one stroke ahead of Joost Luiten of the Netherlands.
•In Richmond, Va., Bernhard Langer made a 15-foot eagle putt on the par-5 18th hole for a 70 to overcome a mediocre round and win the Dominion Energy Charity Classic, the first event in the PGA Tour Champions’ Charles Schwab Cup Playoffs, by one shot over Scott Verplank (66).
Venus falls short
at WTA Finals
Third-seeded Karolina Pliskova cruised to a 6-2, 6-2 win over fifth-seeded Venus Williams in a round-robin match as the WTA Finals opened in Singapore. In Sunday’s other match, second-seeded Garbiñe Muguruza of Spain posted a 6-3, 6-4 win over seventh-seeded Jelena Ostapenko of Latvia.
•Juan Martin del Potro won his 20th career title, beating Grigor Dimitrov 6-4, 6-2 in a successful title defense at the Stockholm Open.
Horse racing: Mended tied Ema Bovary for the third-longest winning streak by a Bay Area-based horse when she rolled to her ninth straight victory, a 5¾-length romp in the first race at Golden Gate Fields. All nine wins and $125,400 in earnings have come after trainer John F. Martin claimed the 4-year-old filly for $12,500 for owners Troy and Maritza Onorato. Hap Loge won 11 straight races in 1973, and Lost in the Fog won 10 straight in 2004-05.
Colleges: Virginia named Carla Williams as its athletic director. Williams, an athletics administrator at Georgia for the past 13 years and the deputy director of athletics since 2015, will become the first female African American athletic director at a Power Five school.
Hockey: Brianna Decker scored twice to help the U.S. women’s team open its pre-Olympic exhibition schedule with a 5-2 victory over Canada in Quebec City.
Marathon: Eyob Faniel became the first Italian in 22 years to win the Venice Marathon after a bizarre incident in which the leading six runners took a wrong turn.
Favorites Abdulahl Dawud, Gilbert Kipleting Chumba, Kipkemei Mutai and David Kiprono Metto were among the leading group that followed a motorcycle off the course after 16 miles. They lost around two minutes. Faniel finished in 2 hours, 12 minutes, 16 seconds.
Ultimate Frisbee: Two San Francisco-based club teams were crowned champions at the U.S. National Championships in Sarasota, Fla.. San Francisco Fury beat two-time reigning champions Boston Brute Squad 14-13 for the title in the women’s division, coming back from a three-point deficit at halftime.
In the men’s division, San Francisco Revolver shut down Austin Doublewide 15-7 for its fifth title in eight years.
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Visionary Thai Adventure 2017 - In Transit
September 28 - October 1 So, for lack of a better blog, gonna diarize this adventure here. My workplace has a charity which they use to send staff from all levels of the company around the world, doing vision tests and crafting eyewear for people in need. A few years ago, I was selected to go to Houston for a week, where we saw 1200 children and made 900 pairs of glasses. This year, I was lucky enough to get chosen to spend two weeks in Chiangrai, Thailand, where we anticipate seeing 6000 patients. Oh my. My poor thumbs are going to be be so tired of inserting lenses. I departed from Calgary at 5:20 pm on Thursday, September 28. It was a bit of a stressful rush for final preparation, as a good friend was getting married the weekend before and the fiancé and I were both in the wedding party. On the Monday, I was informed that the horse had a wound on his eye socket - the one we had removed for cancer two years ago. That week was a flurry of final prep at work and vet appointments. A tissue sample was sent to Saskatoon for biopsy. I'm really hoping it is just an infection and not cancer returning. Either way, it's out of my hands. Anyhow. Dad dropped me off at the airport extremely early, which gave loads of time to get through security and customs, so I found my gate and then enjoyed a sampler of wines at an airport bar while I waited. I also met up with one other woman flying out of Calgary, which was nice because it would be a total of four jumps to complete the journey, and I'm an anxious flier. Her name is Carolyn, and she travels enough at work to be comfortable navigating airports. The first leg was from Calgary to San Francisco, and only took two hours. I had a window seat, and the smoke was clear enough for me to see to the ground. Our route took us along the edge of the Rockies, which was cool because I was actually able to pick out Centre Peak and the Valley where I spent several years working at a summer camp. I was also able to see the devastation from the wildfires this summer as we passed over Waterton National Park and into Montana. The scale is absolutely incredible. No wonder the air was pea soup for weeks! I also watched Moana to pass the time, amusing myself trying to pick out Lin-Manuel Miranda's voice in the soundtrack. We landed in SFO at 7:20pm and had to wait until 1:00am to board our pond-hopper to Taipei. We had a bite at an airport bar - I also had a scotch with the BIGGEST ICECUBE I've ever seen in a drink, honestly it was more ice than scotch - and met up with about a dozen others flying out of SFO. Funny thing was that we were split between 3 different planes! Still, it was good to get to meet some more faces I'll be working with. One woman, Jen, recognized my nalbinding and mentioned she and her wife were in the SCA. I look forward to chatting with her more; she seems like a kindred spirit. I won the Airplane Lottery as far as seating goes on the 13 hour leg - I was alone in my row and able to stretch out over 3 seats to sleep. I'm glad, as I was feeling a little nauseated by nerves and exhaustion by this time, and was happy to pop a sleeping pill and pass out. I woke several times because there was a toddler who was screaming for literally 13 hours, but after plugging in my LOTR audiobook I was able to sleep almost the whole was there. I woke up in time to eat the plane breakfast - and my cold dinner, which I fell asleep before touching - and watch the first half of The Martian. We landed in Taipei at 5:20am on Saturday. You read that correctly. Because of the oddities of global time zones, my 13 hour flight took 28 hours. How bizarre. At any rate, we ran back into Jen & Co at a small coffee shop, where we killed our layover by drinking some truly excellent joe, eating some mediocre waffles, and sharing photos of our respective children and pets. I also drooled over the AMAZING selection of Ardbeg and Laphroig scotches, but was strong enough not to buy any. Yet. The airport wifi here was strong enough to message mum and email Ffynn, as well as send Snapchat updates to a number of friends. Modern technology is amazing! The journey from Taipei to Bangkok was stressful. Our flight was delayed, which was less than ideal as we had very little time in which to make our connection. I finished The Martian and started The King's Speech, but it was hard to concentrate when constantly checking the flight clock. Also, I was one of a handful of people who were unable to get their boarding pass for the last leg to Chiangrai, which was an added stress. To be on an overbooked flight after over a day of transit time would be an almost intolerable delay. We were met at the gate in Bangkok by an airport staff to herd us to our gate, and I am glad we were. Bangkok airport is HUGE. I think it is bigger than Frankfurt or Amsterdam. It certainly felt that way, as we hustled in a stampede vision quest down impossibly long hallways to security and immigration at our gate. It was definitely several km. Fortunately, we were all able to get our boarding passes, through immigration - the officer slapped a Baggage Claim sticker on my boob as we went by - and security, and made it to our gate with just 5 minutes to spare. This last little jaunt was only an hour, and I was seated next to a marathoner from Cincinnati who found the Boob Sticker Molestation deeply amusing. I think his name is Matt? He seems interesting, at any rate. Food on this short hop was duck in Thai noodles with some sort of green chocolate chip cake for dessert. Easily the best meal so far. I'm looking forward to trying new foods here, but hope it isn't too spicy overall! Because of our hurried dash to make our connection in Bangkok, about a dozen of us got the pleasure of filling out Lost Baggage forms - myself included. Still, at that point I was just pleased to not have any more flights. We were assured that the bags were accounted for, but just needed to be sent along on the next flight. We took a shuttle to the hotel and arrived at eve Wiang Inn (snigger) at 4:00 ish local time. It's a pretty snazzy conference centre, with a lovely outdoor pool, expansive lobby, and a grand piano for live entertainment. I voiced my admiration and was told 'It's not bad' by some other Clinic members. I'm reminded of the Houston trip, where many Head Office people turned their noses up at our digs, which were admittedly not 5-star, but still perfectly nice for a business trip. To receive a similar response at a luxury resort makes me wonder just how out of touch with reality some of these higher-ups are! After all, the company is PAYING US TO BE HERE, and there are literally porters wandering around offering us chilled glasses of juice. A little gratitude and wonder wouldn't be out of line. Anyhow, I met my roommate Brittny, who arrived on Thursday as part of the core team, and who already had my key. She's from Texas, seems nice, and that's all I know about her so far. She brought me up to the room, which is cute and quite serviceable, though it has a huge sex middle across from the bed and there is a weird window looking into the shower. It has blinds over it, at least. The shower doesn't drain as fast as it fills, but there is a secondary drain on the floor of the bathroom, and the water has good pressure and was piping hot. I felt 112% better once I showered and had a brief nap before dinner. The food is okay here so far. It was a little cold, but I think that's because the buffet was waiting for us for a while. Lots of fresh fruit, which is awesome. Nonetheless, some people still do nothing but complain. That's going to get old awfully fast. I rather expect I'll be choosing my companions more based on their attitude towards this adventure than because of any real similarity in spirit. My tolerance for spoiled and entitled people is extremely low. Thanks, dad. Learned that one from you. Anyhow. Our bags arrived just as we were finishing up, and then we moved en masse to explore the night market nearby. There are Thai massage parlours EVERYWHERE, and an hour massage costs only $10USD! I know what I am doing every few evenings. Love thyself, am I right? I need to take my passport with me tomorrow to get some money changed. I found a 7-11 and got a nondescript bottle of wine for the room. Here's hoping it's not bad! By the time I got back to the room it was after 9:00 and time to get some shuteye. Still no word from Ffynn, but he at least got Facebook set up so I can message him. Woke up at 4am feeling pretty wired, so I decided to do a blog. I'm going to try to stay on top of it, but it took me an hour to type this on my phone so we'll see how I manage. It's 5am Sunday here, which means 4pm Saturday at home. Gonna chat with some other folks back home, I think.
0 notes
Hackathon is the term used to meet programmers specializing in the design and development of short-term software solutions. Although most of these events usually have a duration of one or two days, there have also been cases of concentrations that last up to a week. But what are the most important hackathons in the world? Let's start by saying that a hackathon is a concept that joins the terms hacker and marathon, although these encounters can also be known as "hack day," "hack fest" or "code-fest". This concept began to be used in the late 90's, although it has not been until the last lustrum that the hackathons have achieved the success that they deserve. According to Hackathon Spain, only 840 of these events were organized worldwide last year. The forecasts, moreover, are quite optimistic about this, as it is estimated that this figure will increase by 5% each year. AngelHack is the largest hackathon competition in the world, having held more than 150 hackathons in just four years. In Europe, this meeting will take place on July 15 and 16 in London, but you can also travel to India, Taipei, Jaipur, Jakarta, Dubai, São Paulo, San Pedro Sula, Santiago, Mexico City, Silicon Valley, Honolulu, New York, Cincinnati, Seattle or Austin if you want to participate. However, the Space Apps Challenge is also worth highlighting. The world's largest hackathon was hosted by NASA from April 22 to 24, 2016. Although the headquarters of the event was located in California, the gathering had delegations at 193 headquarters in 72 countries around the world. Has any other company made other important hackathons? The social network Facebook, for example, has already held 50 of these events. In some of these concentrations, some of the basic pillars of the company were devised, such as the "Like" button or the chat. And if we travel to our country, what are the cities that most hackathons organize in Spain? The ranking does not present great surprises since within the top5 are located Catalonia, Madrid and Basque Country. These three communities are accompanied by Galicia and Andalusia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l7GLpTaOK0 Last year took place rallies organized by Vueling, Google, SEAT, Telefonica and the University Jaume I of Castellón, although many have been events that have taken place so far during this 2017 in Spain: Ze.Hackathon, Hackathon Madrid Change, Legal Hackathon Madrid, Open Hackathon Public Ideatón 100 ideas_zgz, NASA Space Apps Challenge Albacete, BRAGI Recruiting-Hackathon, Expedia Partner Hackathon, II Hackathon National Health, HackatH2On Aigues de Barcelona, FastHackathon by Altran, Talent Hackathon KPMG, Hackathon Mobility BCN, code EINA 2017, FS CodeWeekend, hack Atri ps and Santander Talent Discovery, which took place on April 4 at the headquarters of Banco Santander. Hackathons have proven to be highly effective tools for companies and professionals, although more universities should also convene such events to promote the institution itself, connect students and improve their academic achievements linked to the branch of innovation. Click to Post
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Stars Wars fans say, 'May the 4th be with you' | Reuters
New Post has been published on https://factpatrol.com/2017/05/04/stars-wars-fans-say-may-the-4th-be-with-you-reuters/
Stars Wars fans say, 'May the 4th be with you' | Reuters
TAIPEI Dozens of fans costumed as Jedi knights, stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire and protagonist Luke Skywalker thronged central Taipei on Thursday to celebrate Star Wars Day, the 40th anniversary of the sci-fi film franchise.
Costume parties, movie marathons and fun runs are among the events being mounted worldwide to celebrate the space saga. Fans on social media tweeted “May the 4th be with you”, parodying the Star Wars catchphrase, “May the force be with you.”
In Taiwan’s capital, fans took the day off from work to pose in costume for photographs at landmarks such as the iconic Taipei 101 tower and the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall.
“I liked Star Wars since I was small,” said Annie Tseng, a 40-year-old communications specialist dressed as the series’ black-helmeted arch villain, Darth Vader.
“None of my own friends showed up today, but I’ve made new ones here. I chose Darth Vader because I think he’s very handsome.”
This year’s event featured a duel with light sabers at the Living Mall, a shopping mall with a giant orb that resembles the film’s Death Star space station, organizers said.
“Taiwan people love movies and they love sci-fi movies, and very early on they were fans of Star Wars,” said Makoto Tsai, 32, a film director and co-organizer of the event.
This year is the 40th anniversary of the original 1977 film written and directed by George Lucas and starring Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, who died last year and is best known for her role as the intrepid Princess Leia Organa.
For a graphic on Star Wars universe timeline tmsnrt.rs/2pbqQGK
For a graphic on core characters in Star Wars tmsnrt.rs/2pbkSWD
For a graphic on box-office takings from the Star Wars films tmsnrt.rs/2htnkH2
(Reporting by Jess Macy Yu and Fabian Hamacher; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
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Tsai-hun Brouwer UT
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/tsai-hun-brouwer/tsai-hun-brouwer-ut/
Tsai-hun Brouwer UT
Tsai-hun Brouwer UT Top Web Results.
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www.heartrhythmjournal.com PDF (7 MB) May 12, 2017 … Hung Nguyen, BS and Nenad Bursac, PhD. Duke University, ….. Li-Wei Lo, MD, Shin-Huei Liu, MD, Tsung-Ying Tsai, MD, Wen-. Han Cheng, MD ….. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, University of Utah, San. Francisco, CA.
www.princeton.edu 2017 Commencement Program Apr 8, 2017 … amici nos adstiterunt et nos ut cresceremus adiuverunt. Nunc cum nos omnes ….. Seunghun Han, Molecular Biology ….. Financial. Lukas Leon Brower, Computer Science …. Steven Da-Chuan Tsai, Chemical and. Biological.
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citeseerx.ist.psu.edu A Bibliography of Publications in Theoretical Computer Science … Mar 25, 2013 … Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090. USA. Tel: +1 801 581 … E-mail: beebe@math. utah.edu, [email protected], ….. Brouwer [620]. Bruijn [1375].
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Vision Clinic 2017 - The Journey Begins
So, for lack of a better blog, gonna diarize this adventure here. My workplace has a charity which they use to send staff from all levels of the company around the world, doing vision tests and crafting eyewear for people in need. A few years ago, I was selected to go to Houston for a week, where we saw 1200 children and made 900 pairs of glasses. This year, I was lucky enough to get chosen to spend two weeks in Chiangrai, Thailand, where we anticipate seeing 6000 patients. Oh my. My poor thumbs are going to be be so tired of inserting lenses. I departed from Calgary at 5:20 pm on Thursday, September 28. It was a bit of a stressful rush for final preparation, as a good friend was getting married the weekend before and the fiancé and I were both in the wedding party. On the Monday, I was informed that the horse had a wound on his eye socket - the one we had removed for cancer two years ago. That week was a flurry of final prep at work and vet appointments. A tissue sample was sent to Saskatoon for biopsy. I'm really hoping it is just an infection and not cancer returning. Either way, it's out of my hands. Anyhow. Dad dropped me off at the airport extremely early, which gave loads of time to get through security and customs, so I found my gate and then enjoyed a sampler of wines at an airport bar while I waited. I also met up with one other woman flying out of Calgary, which was nice because it would be a total of four jumps to complete the journey, and I'm an anxious flier. Her name is Carolyn, and she travels enough at work to be comfortable navigating airports. The first leg was from Calgary to San Francisco, and only took two hours. I had a window seat, and the smoke was clear enough for me to see to the ground. Our route took us along the edge of the Rockies, which was cool because I was actually able to pick out Centre Peak and the Valley where I spent several years working at a summer camp. I was also able to see the devastation from the wildfires this summer as we passed over Waterton National Park and into Montana. The scale is absolutely incredible. No wonder the air was pea soup for weeks! I also watched Moana to pass the time, amusing myself trying to pick out Lin-Manuel Miranda's voice in the soundtrack. We landed in SFO at 7:20pm and had to wait until 1:00am to board our pond-hopper to Taipei. We had a bite at an airport bar - I also had a scotch with the BIGGEST ICECUBE I've ever seen in a drink, honestly it was more ice than scotch - and met up with about a dozen others flying out of SFO. Funny thing was that we were split between 3 different planes! Still, it was good to get to meet some more faces I'll be working with. One woman, Jen, recognized my nalbinding and mentioned she and her wife were in the SCA. I look forward to chatting with her more; she seems like a kindred spirit. I won the Airplane Lottery as far as seating goes on the 13 hour leg - I was alone in my row and able to stretch out over 3 seats to sleep. I'm glad, as I was feeling a little nauseated by nerves and exhaustion by this time, and was happy to pop a sleeping pill and pass out. I woke several times because there was a toddler who was screaming for literally 13 hours, but after plugging in my LOTR audiobook I was able to sleep almost the whole was there. I woke up in time to eat the plane breakfast - and my cold dinner, which I fell asleep before touching - and watch the first half of The Martian. We landed in Taipei at 5:20am on Saturday. You read that correctly. Because of the oddities of global time zones, my 13 hour flight took 28 hours. How bizarre. At any rate, we ran back into Jen & Co at a small coffee shop, where we killed our layover by drinking some truly excellent joe, eating some mediocre waffles, and sharing photos of our respective children and pets. I also drooled over the AMAZING selection of Ardbeg and Laphroig scotches, but was strong enough not to buy any. Yet. The airport wifi here was strong enough to message mum and email Ffynn, as well as send Snapchat updates to a number of friends. Modern technology is amazing! The journey from Taipei to Bangkok was stressful. Our flight was delayed, which was less than ideal as we had very little time in which to make our connection. I finished The Martian and started The King's Speech, but it was hard to concentrate when constantly checking the flight clock. Also, I was one of a handful of people who were unable to get their boarding pass for the last leg to Chiangrai, which was an added stress. To be on an overbooked flight after over a day of transit time would be an almost intolerable delay. We were met at the gate in Bangkok by an airport staff to herd us to our gate, and I am glad we were. Bangkok airport is HUGE. I think it is bigger than Frankfurt or Amsterdam. It certainly felt that way, as we hustled in a stampede vision quest down impossibly long hallways to security and immigration at our gate. It was definitely several km. Fortunately, we were all able to get our boarding passes, through immigration - the officer slapped a Baggage Claim sticker on my boob as we went by - and security, and made it to our gate with just 5 minutes to spare. This last little jaunt was only an hour, and I was seated next to a marathoner from Cincinnati who found the Boob Sticker Molestation deeply amusing. I think his name is Matt? He seems interesting, at any rate. Food on this short hop was duck in Thai noodles with some sort of green chocolate chip cake for dessert. Easily the best meal so far. I'm looking forward to trying new foods here, but hope it isn't too spicy overall! Because of our hurried dash to make our connection in Bangkok, about a dozen of us got the pleasure of filling out Lost Baggage forms - myself included. Still, at that point I was just pleased to not have any more flights. We were assured that the bags were accounted for, but just needed to be sent along on the next flight. We took a shuttle to the hotel and arrived at eve Wiang Inn (snigger) at 4:00 ish local time. It's a pretty snazzy conference centre, with a lovely outdoor pool, expansive lobby, and a grand piano for live entertainment. I voiced my admiration and was told 'It's not bad' by some other Clinic members. I'm reminded of the Houston trip, where many Head Office people turned their noses up at our digs, which were admittedly not 5-star, but still perfectly nice for a business trip. To receive a similar response at a luxury resort makes me wonder just how out of touch with reality some of these higher-ups are! After all, the company is PAYING US TO BE HERE, and there are literally porters wandering around offering us chilled glasses of juice. A little gratitude and wonder wouldn't be out of line. Anyhow, I met my roommate Brittny, who arrived on Thursday as part of the core team, and who already had my key. She's from Texas, seems nice, and that's all I know about her so far. She brought me up to the room, which is cute and quite serviceable, though it has a huge sex middle across from the bed and there is a weird window looking into the shower. It has blinds over it, at least. The shower doesn't drain as fast as it fills, but there is a secondary drain on the floor of the bathroom, and the water has good pressure and was piping hot. I felt 112% better once I showered and had a brief nap before dinner. The food is okay here so far. It was a little cold, but I think that's because the buffet was waiting for us for a while. Lots of fresh fruit, which is awesome. Nonetheless, some people still do nothing but complain. That's going to get old awfully fast. I rather expect I'll be choosing my companions more based on their attitude towards this adventure than because of any real similarity in spirit. My tolerance for spoiled and entitled people is extremely low. Thanks, dad. Learned that one from you. Anyhow. Our bags arrived just as we were finishing up, and then we moved en masse to explore the night market nearby. There are Thai massage parlours EVERYWHERE, and an hour massage costs only $10USD! I know what I am doing every few evenings. Love thyself, am I right? I need to take my passport with me tomorrow to get some money changed. I found a 7-11 and got a nondescript bottle of wine for the room. Here's hoping it's not bad! By the time I got back to the room it was after 9:00 and time to get some shuteye. Still no word from Ffynn, but he at least got Facebook set up so I can message him. Woke up at 4am feeling pretty wired, so I decided to do a blog. I'm going to try to stay on top of it, but it took me an hour to type this on my phone so we'll see how I manage. It's 5am Sunday here, which means 4pm Saturday at home. Gonna chat with some other folks back home, I think.
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